Accessing Coaching Settings:

  • From the main screen, find and click on “Account Settings” on the left-hand side.

Navigating to Coaching Section:

  • Within “Account Settings,” click on “Coaching.”

Locating Your Coaches:

  • Under the Coaching tab, find and click on “Your Coaches.”

Selecting User to Remove:

  • Identify the user you want to remove as a coach.
  • Click the pencil icon on the right side of their listing.

Editing User Access:

  • A box will appear saying “Edit user access for (name).”
  • Find the room you want to remove their coaching access for.

Disabling Coaching Access:

  • Under the specified room, slide the button under “Coach” to the left to disable their access.

Saving Changes:

  • Click “Save” to confirm and apply the changes.